Convivial Dinners are priced on a pay-it-forward model. If you have a low income or a current cash-shortage, you are encouraged to enjoy a free or inexpensive dinner and pay it forward in a different way or at a different time. Perhaps you can help a neighbour figure out how to video-chat with their grandkids or buy a Christmas treat for a neighbour who doesn’t have family or…
The beauty of this model is that it is NOT about paying it back. Paying-it-forward leads to an ongoing spiral of good deeds being done without any expectations. What a wonderful thing!!
For the Covid variation on Convivial Dinners, we expect some people will be uncomfortably surprised to be receiving rather than giving. (Mind you, for someone to give, someone must receive. Accepting a free dinner, then, is actually a gift to the person who offered it!)
The following sliding-scale price list – for Lasagna/Roast beef dinners – might help you feel a little more comfortable about not paying full price for a full meal.
- $20/$25 if you still have a good income;
- $10/$12 if you lost half your family income
- $5/$8 if you lost half your income and it wasn’t very good to start with;
- $0/$0 if you lost all income or had a small one to begin with
- these are just suggestions, variations are quite acceptable
Note that the foregoing prices could be adjusted further if you want to order a smaller portion for seniors/kids. For example, a half-size portion could start at $10/$12 and decrease from there…
False Creek South was designed to be a mixed income neighbourhood. This is one of the many ways in which the community is considered a success. The Convivial Dinners – and our pay-it-forward wall – are a small way to help create balance between those who are quite affluent and those who are definitely not.