Summer is coming!
We would love to have lots going on again but need more people to help!!
Come to a Volunteer Information Session at the Convivial Cafe (if it’s raining) or in the Square (if it’s nice) to find out more:
Drop-In sessions:
Thursday, April 11 4-5:30
Sunday, April 14 2-3:30
General Meeting:
Wednesday, April 17 7pm
List of volunteer opportunities – List of last year’s events – Community Happenings Calendar
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many types of volunteer opportunities. We need people of all types to make it work well. Do you respond ‘yes’ to any of the following points? Have we got a job for you!
– I like to plan and organize
– I just want to show up, do my bit and call it done
– I like people and socializing
– I like to work at my computer or phone
– I’d rather work on my own
– I’d rather work with others
– I’ve got a body with muscles (at least a few of them!)
– I like my body, but it doesn’t like me when I do too much
– I have time now, but not later
– I don’t have time now, but will later
– I can only do 30-45 minutes a week
– I can only do 30-45 minutes a month
List of tasks by event
Following is a list of tasks that need to be covered to make the variety of events happen. Each task in each category could be taken on by one or two people. The tasks cover the variety of options for participation type and time noted above.
Volunteer Coordination tasks
– work with Susan and Beth to update and maintain list of volunteers
– assist others in contacting and scheduling volunteers for specific tasks and/or events
Saturday Afternoon Music tasks
– work with Beth to contact and schedule previous and new musicians
– ensure relevant applications/approvals are in place
– arrange volunteers in collaboration with volunteer coordinator(s)
– event-day tasks (see below), in particular: set up canopies, chairs, signage, etc.; provide assistance to musicians if required; put away canopies, chairs, signage etc.
Afternoon Tea and Social tasks (Sunday afternoons)
– work with Beth to contact and schedule compatible activities and entertainment
– ensure relevant applications/approvals are in place
– arrange volunteers in collaboration with volunteer coordinator(s)
– event-day tasks (see below), in particular: set up canopies, chairs, signage, tablecloth, tea cups, etc.; pour tea, hand-out goodies, etc.; put away canopies, chairs, signage etc.
Other Event tasks (see list below for 2023 events)
– plan and manage specific events with assistance from/in collaboration with other volunteers/coordinators
– ensure relevant applications/approvals are in place for events and activities
– arrange volunteers in collaboration with volunteer coordinator(s)
– also see event-day tasks below
Event-day tasks
– set up/tear down canopies, chairs, and other event equipment (30-60 min)
– MC events
– pour tea, serve goodies, distribute information or other event-relevant tasks (30 min – 2 hrs, depending on event/task)
Stewardship tasks
– coordinate stewardship volunteers for regular and as-needed tasks
– open plaza by un-locking furniture in the morning (20-40 min)
– close plaza by locking up furniture in the evening (20-40 min)
– tidy plaza, tables, chairs (30-60 min)
– water plants (20-40 min)
– track/manage maintenance needs, contacting City liaison as required
Reboot Working Group member
This group provides:
– a sounding board for ideas and activities
– support for planning and organization of events and activities
– support for volunteers in collaboration with others
Membership will involve occasional meetings and/or reading and responding to regular emails, especially now
more info coming…!!
2023 Leg in Boot events
Following is the list of events that occurred in 2023. Participants would be happy to see all of them happen again!
- Garden-ing Party (work and planting party)**
- Thursday Afternoon Tea and Social (Twenty fancy tea events, with approximately 550 cups of tea and 2000 mini goodies served!)**
- Saturday Afternoon Music (Thirteen free events, each attended by 40-100 people, including Irish Day (dance, treats, beer) and turkey pizza for Thanksgiving)****
- Buy, Sell, Gift (‘garage sale’ and ‘buy-nothing’ event)**
- Art and Craft Fair (sales by local artists and artisans)**
- Intimacy and the Poetry of Place (series of four writing workshops)**
- Yoga in a Chair in the Square (eight events)*
- Community Conversations (Butterflyway, False Creek is Alive)**
- Truth and Reconciliation Day (information and space for reflection)*
- Plaza Pedal Parade (bicycle decoration and multi-plaza parade, twice)*
- Write for Rights (Amnesty International)***
- Peace Tree (lights and decorations in the square)*
- WinterFest (music and carolling)**
- Winter Solstice Lantern Festival (marshalling for procession to Granville Island)*30
* indicates number of years event has occurred
Leg In Boot Calendar of Community Happenings
- It is a little barren right now, but check out (and check back later) the Community Happenings Calendar to see details on events and activities.
- If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please email or
- If you want to help with events, please email or …